23 Feb Brand awareness: more than recognition is to be consumers’ Top of Mind
One of the desirable business results is to gain a spotlight letting target consumers remember the brands. This helps businesses reach the market and easier in providing more products and services to their consumers. However, it is difficult for marketing the brands and also the different levels of brand awareness among the consumers. One of the important questions is ‘Which levels of brand awareness does the target consumers perceive your brand?’. The brand awareness can be divided into four levels:

4 levels of Brand Awareness
- Level 1: Unaware of Brand – the target consumer does not know the brand. They has never heard, seen, and remembered any of your products and services.
- Level 2: Brand Recognition – the target consumers insignificant remember the brand. They may have seen the advertisement or products with none of any interests. They will recognize the brands after an assistance such as re-presenting the advertisement or trademark.
- Level 3: Brand Recall – the target consumers recognize the brands without any assistances, our brands will be one of the choices in a conversation or buying decision. This level of awareness increases the selling chances of products and services.
- Level 4: Top of Mind – the target consumers remembers the brands very well. The brand is selected the first in products and services selection.
Therefore, Top of Mind is the satisfactory awareness level which all businesses aims to achieve. It is important to consistently communicate a brand identity and differentiation. Those distinctions need to be extremely powerful to gain the target consumers’ attention and the brand becomes their top list. The next question is ‘How to create a brand awareness to meet the needs of target consumers?’.

How to do that?
- Must know the name of brand
Brand awareness creation requires an obvious and quality communication. The communication channels must reach the target consumers, such as online articles and infographic providing brands’ information, online and offline advertisement, social media through Facebook, Instagram, and Youube, hiring influencers recommending products and services, including the viral content and video which cover the word-of-mount marketing.
- Must know products and services of brand
Target consumers must know the brand; name, trademark as well as characteristics of products and services. The most important thing is products and services are able to response the needs and wants of the target consumers.
- Must feel positive and impressive towards brand
Corporate image is one of the important selling point. The sustainable and quality brand awareness begins with a good image of companies, products and services, advertisements, creative promotions, the CSR activities, as well as the post-sales services.

Brand awareness is more than letting target consumers remember and be the first brand of their minds, it includes getting into the consumers’ Top of Mind. It is one of the sustainable achievement of businesses. No matter, how many new comers compete in the market, if the products and services have gained awareness and been the consumers’ Top of Mind, it is difficult to make the target consumers change their minds to the competitors.